BIM Management

Implement BIM - firm wide

When considering implementing a BIM program, one must certainly consider the capacity at which BIM will be profitable for the firm. This will be different for every firm. HemonBIM will analyze the projects your firm is currently competing for and the projects that your firm wishes to compete for and design a BIM program or strategy tailored to your specific needs, in order to maximize return on investment.

Implement BIM - per project

BIM implementation, on a per project basis or as complement to your firm's growth strategy, can be a wearisome journey, littered with lost efficiency and lost opportunity. HemonBIM can help your company break the trial-and-error cycle of managing BIM, complete projects on time and win more bids.

BIM is a tool and it was designed to work specifically for you. Hemon BIM will provide a full evaluation of your company's BIM standards and methods  and help you put the people and resources in place to create and maintain a BIM program that works for you. 

Though BIM tools allow us to create incredible buildings, we still believe that the team is the most important tool used on any project. Let us join your team!

Custom Addins!

Custon Revit add-ins will automatically increase production and allow you to manipulate the software for your specific needs. 

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